In a simple word, GUILT! This is what happened to me and happened to so many of our patients.
The spiral goes as follows - does this sound familiar?
You develop a dental problem and you know youve got to get it sorted out because it could cause you more problems.
BUT - you are afraid of going to the dentist, so you wait to build courage.
BUT - courage never comes, because instead, worry takes over. Worry drowns out courage!
SO - you delay and then problem gets worse, to the point where desperation takes over and it starts to dominate your life.
SO - you feel guilty that when you do eventually see a dentist, they are going to make you feel guilty by saying "well, if you'd gone earlier, you wouldnt have had this problem"
We get emails all the time from people in this predicament and we make them a promise straight away - WE WILL NOT MAKE YOU FEEL GUILTY!!! WE UNDERSTAND THIS SPIRAL!!! Ive been there myself, i know how it feels.
So - we wont make you feel guilty, we will treat you with respect and when it comes to the actual treatment, we will do everything we can to make it as comfortable as we know how!